Sunday, October 4, 2009

The French Chef

Alright! So I finally finished Julia Child's book 'My Life in France' last night. I am so in love. I have watched reruns of her shows my whole life, but have now added the complete series of 'The French Chef' to my Netflix because of this riveting memoir of her time spent in France throughout the years. She is so incredibly creative, hard working, and passionate (I cannot believe the amount of times she would test a recipe). I love her go-get-em attitude and brave approach to trying things (and prevailing though failure). On top of all that, (though I love that current Food Network show make cooking approachable), she presents the techniques and traditions surrounding food in a way that no one today does. It is so powerful and still unparalleled in its uniqueness. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of her that I found:

Moving around so much made her an expert on exactly how she wanted her kitchen set up. Check out the custom-made peg boards of pots and pans just ready to grab for a quick sauce or omlette!:

I love her independant way of going about things, yet maintainig a loving relationship with her husband Paul. They have exactly what I want (and have) - a partnership, a creative sounding board, and a best friend. I loved reading about the adventures they would partake on together - for both his career and hers. Such a lovely an honest life she lead. I adore her!

Bon Appetit.

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